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Can intelligence be increased?

Can intelligence be increased?

Intelligence is a broad and rather abstract concept, about which there is debate. In particular, there is no agreed definition on questions such as, for example, what exactly cognition is, whether it is a universal thing, or how to measure it. The simplest and most generic definition would be that intelligence is the capacity to

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Mansplaining and new masculinities


What is mansplaining? The bad habit of explaining what has not been asked, annoying, isn't it? well, it is a situation that women all over the world experience every day. The term mansplaining comes from the composition of the following terms: Man and explain. Is defined as the explanation by a man in a paternalistic

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What does self-compassion mean in psychology? According to Gilbert (2014) self-compassion is defined as "sensitivity to suffering in self and others with a commitment to try to alleviate and prevent it". It is a healthier way of relating to ourselves, especially when we experience pain, suffering or failure. Using self-compassion involves treating ourselves kindlier, like

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Sternberg’s triangle

What is Sternberg's love triangle? The triangular theory of love is one of the most accepted and widespread theories that aims to explain love in relationships. It was proposed in the late 80s by the American psychologist Robert J. Sternberg, also a professor at Yale University. He is widely recognized for his research, not only

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A person suffering from borderline personality disorder will usually move in extremes regarding his emotions and it will be very difficult to find a middle ground. For this reason, several authors have described borderline personality disorder using the duality of fire and ice. To get an idea, imagine someone who meets a person and feels

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We all know that maintaining harmony in a couple's relationship can be complicated. Sometimes this harmony breaks down because something specific happens, but there are many other cases in which, without warning, the relationship has been deteriorated over time until it is too late. But how could that happen? At what point did we start

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What is personality really?

Expressions like “has a strong personality” or “has a lot of personality” are very common in everyday life. When we hear the term “personality”, almost all of us know what to understand: we usually think about how someone in their environment acts, whether they are likeable, sensitive, shy. . . Specifically, “having a lot of

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“Te quiero”, “T’estimo”, “Je t’aime”, “I love you”, “ich liebe dich”… all languages ​​have their particular expression to show with words that universal feeling called love. However, they say that words can be carried away by the wind, or sometimes they can even lose their meaning from being used so much. Perhaps those sayings that

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Children must learn to get bored

The course begins and apart from preparing all the school material, it is also time to think and plan what extracurricular activities we want our children to do. The choice of the number of activities is conditioned by the working day of the parents, but also by the belief that "doing nothing" is socially very

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Do you know any person who has gained and reduced a lot of weight, many times in his/her life? Do you know any person who always looks after him/herself and keeps trying it in different methods? Many times, these efforts to take care of oneself hide a deep desire to fit in with the current

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When we talk about depression, we usually imagine an adult person with a series of symptoms, such as: sadness, loss of the ability to enjoy activities, recurrent crying ... However, depression is a very common mood disorder in children and adolescents. Despite its prevalence, it often goes unnoticed or is underestimated due to the lack

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Dysfunctional perfectionism

Perfectionism is an aspect that society understands as something good, positive and that must be rewarded, but what happens when it is taken to the extreme? Perfectionism itself is not positive or negative. This can be divided into two factors: perfectionist concerns and perfectionist efforts. In this sense, depending on the factor that predominates, we

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"I have an OCD", "He changes his mind every day, he is very bipolar…". Have you ever heard anything like that? We have all heard statements like these at some point or may even have said them. But do we really know what we are referring to when we use those labels? Are we aware

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Previous notes: To read this article, it may help to revise some concepts that are used repeatedly in it. The field of sexuality is so alive that one must try to keep updated on some concepts, especially when they are so interrelated. The list could be very long, but since we already know some of

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The gift of sensitivity. Discovering what Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs) are

Are you HSP? How do you know? Psychology has based its personality studies on the factors assessed in the Big Five trait model and other models derived from it. The Big Five model analyses the composition of five personality dimensions in their broadest sense: openness to experience, responsibility, extraversion, agreeableness, and stability. But... But would

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The power of gambling

Depending on the society that we belong, betting money on games, such as slot machines or soccer matches, can be considered as pastime without risk. But when this pastime time becomes a necessity, it also becomes a problem. Decades ago, gambling problems were considered a vice of weak and irresponsible people. Today, it is known

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How does alcohol affect sex?

Many people say that alcohol greatly affects their ability to engage sexually. In general, they agree on two things: that having consumed some alcohol makes them feel a greater desire for sex, and that it makes sexual intercourse a bit more difficult, making reaching orgasm (among other things) more difficult. Now, is this true? And,

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