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How to set boundaries to others

How to set boundaries to others

Is it hard for you to say no? Do you put the other’s needs before your own? Do you feel guilty when you prioritize yourself? If so, we would say that it is hard for you to set boundaries. Why is it important to know how to set boundaries? Boundaries are barriers that we place

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Mobile phone abuse and addiction: causes and consequences

Mobile addiction: causes and consequences

The word "addiction" is often used to describe any impulsive behavior that is excessive, causes significant discomfort, and affects a person's daily life. Addiction usually refers to very harmful practices, such as substance use, or gambling addiction. The DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, in its latest version) only includes gambling addiction, so

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Jealousy. The great myth of love


Jealousy is a normal emotion that we may have experienced in different contexts of our lives. However, the moment jealousy has an impact on our well-being, on the well-being of others and on our relationships, it becomes a problem. Jealousy in couples stems from various ideas integrated in our society about love and relationships. However,

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Why do we have emotions?

Why do we have emotions?

It seems that, in recent years, emotions have taken a leading role in people's conversations, as concepts such as mental health and emotional management have done. This is not trivial, since all these concepts indisputably go together. In fact, having mental health could be understoog as synonymous of good emotional management. What happens with the

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How to overcome a love breakup?

How to overcome a love breakup

Romantic breaks are more common than people think, and they are on the increase: for example, in Spain there were a total of 86,851 divorces in 2021, 12.5% more than the previous year. The reasons that can lead to the breakup of a relationship are multiple (infidelity, lack of confidence, boredom, the appearance of a

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The act of taking care of oneself, according to the OMS, refers to an active and responsible attitude towards quality of life. Therefore, self-care is the set of actions taken to provide mental, physical and emotional health. Taking care of oneself requires identifying what our needs are (at all levels) and making the best decisions

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Assertiveness and steps to be assertive

Assertiveness and steps to be assertive

Have you heard of communication styles? What about assertive communication? In this blog we already explained what the 4 communication styles consist of. In the present post we are going to briefly recall those styles, with the intention that each reader realizes which one they use regularly. This will be the first step to identify

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Binge eating disorder

What is binge eating disorder? Binge eating disorder is mainly characterised by episodes of recurrent binge eating behaviors. This disorder is understood as the behaviour of eating large amounts of food quickly, in a short space of time, in the absence of any hunger signal. Moreover, the person that suffers from this disorder, perceives that

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The invisibility of perinatal grief

Perinatal grief

The loss of a pregnancy and/or a wanted baby turns out to be undoubtedly a devastating experience, regardless of the gestational age. This term refers to the loss that occurs in any month of gestation up to the first month of the baby's life. Perinatal grief is therefore the grief that accompanies the loss of

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6 Keys for a healthy single life

It seems like being single should be lived as a sentence. In the collective consciousness, being single can mean several things. Can you think of any? For example: "I am not worthy to be with anyone", "I must have a problem", "I am going to be alone forever", "I am not attractive enough", etc. All

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How to create a habit

How to create a habit

Habits are repeated behaviors that we have become accustomed to or adapted to over time; They can be good (for example, going to train three times a week), or harmful (for example, biting your nails). Many people set out to create new habits, especially in times of change (in the New Year, at the beginning

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Ghosting and affective responsibility

Emotional ghosting

Has it ever happened to you that, when trying to meet someone, that person suddenly disappear? Or has he/she been "stalling you" until you've lost sight of him/her? If the answer to any of those questions is “yes”, then you have been a victim of ghosting. On the contrary, have you ever done it to

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What is "gaslighting"? Gaslighting is described as a type of psychological violence. It consists of making the other person believe that they are losing their sanity and making them doubt their judgment, perception or memory. The term comes from a play, later adapted to film, in which the protagonist tries to drive his wife crazy

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What is attachment and how does it affect us when it comes to relating?

What is attachment

What is attachment? Attachment, in its academic meaning, is the affective bond that appears between the caregiver (usually a parent) and the child, established in the first moments of life. The purpose of attachment is to ensure the care of the child, its proper psychological development, to consolidate its personality, to manage its emotions. .

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Can intelligence be increased?

Can intelligence be increased?

Intelligence is a broad and rather abstract concept, about which there is debate. In particular, there is no agreed definition on questions such as, for example, what exactly cognition is, whether it is a universal thing, or how to measure it. The simplest and most generic definition would be that intelligence is the capacity to

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Mansplaining and new masculinities


What is mansplaining? The bad habit of explaining what has not been asked, annoying, isn't it? well, it is a situation that women all over the world experience every day. The term mansplaining comes from the composition of the following terms: Man and explain. Is defined as the explanation by a man in a paternalistic

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What does self-compassion mean in psychology? According to Gilbert (2014) self-compassion is defined as "sensitivity to suffering in self and others with a commitment to try to alleviate and prevent it". It is a healthier way of relating to ourselves, especially when we experience pain, suffering or failure. Using self-compassion involves treating ourselves kindlier, like

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Sternberg’s triangle

What is Sternberg's love triangle? The triangular theory of love is one of the most accepted and widespread theories that aims to explain love in relationships. It was proposed in the late 80s by the American psychologist Robert J. Sternberg, also a professor at Yale University. He is widely recognized for his research, not only

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A person suffering from borderline personality disorder will usually move in extremes regarding his emotions and it will be very difficult to find a middle ground. For this reason, several authors have described borderline personality disorder using the duality of fire and ice. To get an idea, imagine someone who meets a person and feels

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