We all talk about sex. But… do we do it right?
This workshop seeks to be a first approach to Sexology for those who have little knowledge about this area. We want to teach basic principles of this discipline and approach in a simple and understandable way such fundamental aspects in our life such as esteem, acceptance, sexuality, affectivity, erotic relationships, couple relationships, etc.
Specific goals:
- To learn how to face, understand and assess different situations that may occur in relation to sexuality.
- To have a more formed opinion about issues related to sexuality and eroticism.
- To be able to solve some specific doubts.
- To learn about what resources are available in case of consultation, advice or therapeutic demand.
Recipients: Any person interested in learning more about this widely used concept in colloquial language but about which, sometimes, there are many taboos and myths.
Hours: 20 hours
Teacher: Marilén Garcerán. Psychologist and Sexologist
Address: Institute Psychology-Sexology Mallorca. San Miguel Street, nº68A, 5th floor (Palma de Mallorca).
Price: 60€
“We do not currently plan to hold this workshop soon, but if you are interested in this topic, any of our psychologists can help you. You can choose to request a first appointment for free and without compromise.”
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