Sharing life with another person can be an enriching and placid path or a bitter torture. Sometimes, it is inevitable that disagreements and points of conflict occur within couples; however it is possible to prevent the relationship from becoming a battlefield. That is why the purpose of this workshop is to provide the person with resources to make the couple a space to grow and, to provide tools in order to get the most out of the conflicts that may arise.
• “Falling in love” phase.
• The importance of positive reinforcement
• Emotions in the relationship.
• The power of our thoughts.
• Assertive communication.
Dates: November16, 23, 30 and December 14.
Hours: 12 hours spread over 4 modules of 3 hours each (from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.).
Recipients: Any couple interested in getting to know each other better and improving their relationship.
Address: Instituto Psicología-Sexología Mallorca. 68A San Miguel Street, 5th floor (Palma of Mallorca)
Teacher: Isabel Capó.
Price: 95€ for the 4 modules (they can’t be done separately)